Sunday, November 7, 2010

GINA's Meet & Greet at Hopedale Mall

Yesterday was a fun day! Mom and Dad took me for a car ride in Oakville, Ontario. We went to this big house that they kept calling Hopedale Mall. The rooms were huge! I don't have nearly enough toys to fill up those rooms.

When Daddy and I went inside, I thought at first that we were still outside. There were holes in the ceiling 'cause I could still see the sky. I assumed Daddy was taking me for a W..A..L..K (they think I don't know), so I was going to mark the nearest bush. Daddy kept saying, "No, Grant, no!" I guess he was just trying to protect me from the ninja-squirrels who would have been waiting to ambush me. My daddy is very brave! I like to hide behind him when things get too scary.

Blair...GINA President

That day, Mommy and Daddy hung out with other men and women who all like to be called Gina. Very strange, if you ask me, but I think they're okay 'cause they pet me and give me treats. They wanted to show the rest of the world how greyt we greys really are. Lots of people wanted to take me home. I wanted to go but Daddy would let me. I'm not sure they were as brave as my daddy, though. It was very fun. There was lots of new people to pet and luv me. They kept saying I was so beautiful. I know!

Shelby, Kallie, Cooper, and Bear were there too! They're fun if not a little mellow for my tastes. Their bums smell good though. People think that we're fast and we are; well, maybe not Bear...he didn't really race. But everyone thinks we need a lot of running and exercise. Geez... How many times did Ben Jonson run when he wasn't in training? All the exercise I need is when I exercise my right to the living room couch for a nap... without the use of steroid enhancement. Don't get me wrong, I need to go for a 15 minute walk every day. I need to smell the roses... and the trees and the next...and the next... and the next...and the.....You get the picture.



I have to go now 'cause I'm really tired. All that attention is so exhausting!

Talk to you soon!

~Grant of Texas


  1. Grant, You got drool on the keyboard and nose prints on the screen...again!

  2. Excellent report on the day's activities. Thank you Grant. Looking forward to your review of Woofstock. ;)

  3. that's so cute grant that's what u do best, tell mommy and dad to put your kung fu disguise for those ninja squirrels.
