Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Ins and Outs of Fostering (Fostering 101)

Here's me & our first foster, 'Outofthemadness', but we call him Ben now.
We are enjoying a walk with lot's of our GiNA peeps!

I had a chance to finally score some time on the magic light-box. Mommy must have found something really good because it has taken up a lot of her time and she has totally been ignoring me! I've purposely been a total pain in the backside and she has totally ignored ME!!

Sorry for getting off topic… back to to our discussion.

Well, seeing as I am now a professional, I thought I'd share my expertise in the trials and tribulations of fostering. Now, I'm not saying that everything went as planned… there really wasn't a plan as Mommy and Daddy neglected to inform me that I would be sharing my space in the first place. The first time I had a foster, even though I wasn't informed, Mommy and Daddy were smart and introduced me to "Ben" outside on neutral territory with muzzles on. We got to sniff each other and Ben got to learn how to "mark" territory. When we got inside, my world was turned upside down. Suddenly I needed to share… everything. My toys, my bed, my food? Okay, maybe not that, but lord knows, he tried. Ben wasn't that socially in the know when he came to us. I would be asleep on my bed and he would get up off of his and come over to mine and stand over me. I told him off so that he would learn to respect my space. Sadly,  I don't think he ever got the point. I spent most of my on the couch. You know, you have to suffer for your craft.

"Torino" was the next foster and we did the our greetings, once again, outside. He was a funny kid. He was obviously very relaxed and comfortable when he came in. He proceeded to take each and every toy of mine into the crate, roll over onto his back in, what I could only call a "Saturday Night Fever" pose, and fell asleep. Mom says that if it was possible, he was a bigger suck than me. He would lie on his back and scootch up to you and ask to get his belly rubbed. He was a greyt kid. I'll miss him.

"David" came to us on a dark and stormy night…just kiddin'. David was what I like to call a "pacer." He wouldn't stand still for more than 2 seconds. He ended up peeing indoors because we couldn't tell he needed to go…he never did stop pacing. We got along greyt, though. He respected my space and I his. I wasn't getting within ten feet of that crate. I definitely miss him.

So, to conclude. Fostering can have its ups and downs but provides valuable life experiences and wonderful new friends.

~Grant of Texas

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