Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Ins and Outs of Fostering (Fostering 101)

Here's me & our first foster, 'Outofthemadness', but we call him Ben now.
We are enjoying a walk with lot's of our GiNA peeps!

I had a chance to finally score some time on the magic light-box. Mommy must have found something really good because it has taken up a lot of her time and she has totally been ignoring me! I've purposely been a total pain in the backside and she has totally ignored ME!!

Sorry for getting off topic… back to to our discussion.

Well, seeing as I am now a professional, I thought I'd share my expertise in the trials and tribulations of fostering. Now, I'm not saying that everything went as planned… there really wasn't a plan as Mommy and Daddy neglected to inform me that I would be sharing my space in the first place. The first time I had a foster, even though I wasn't informed, Mommy and Daddy were smart and introduced me to "Ben" outside on neutral territory with muzzles on. We got to sniff each other and Ben got to learn how to "mark" territory. When we got inside, my world was turned upside down. Suddenly I needed to share… everything. My toys, my bed, my food? Okay, maybe not that, but lord knows, he tried. Ben wasn't that socially in the know when he came to us. I would be asleep on my bed and he would get up off of his and come over to mine and stand over me. I told him off so that he would learn to respect my space. Sadly,  I don't think he ever got the point. I spent most of my on the couch. You know, you have to suffer for your craft.

"Torino" was the next foster and we did the our greetings, once again, outside. He was a funny kid. He was obviously very relaxed and comfortable when he came in. He proceeded to take each and every toy of mine into the crate, roll over onto his back in, what I could only call a "Saturday Night Fever" pose, and fell asleep. Mom says that if it was possible, he was a bigger suck than me. He would lie on his back and scootch up to you and ask to get his belly rubbed. He was a greyt kid. I'll miss him.

"David" came to us on a dark and stormy night…just kiddin'. David was what I like to call a "pacer." He wouldn't stand still for more than 2 seconds. He ended up peeing indoors because we couldn't tell he needed to go…he never did stop pacing. We got along greyt, though. He respected my space and I his. I wasn't getting within ten feet of that crate. I definitely miss him.

So, to conclude. Fostering can have its ups and downs but provides valuable life experiences and wonderful new friends.

~Grant of Texas

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cambridge Meet & Greet

Mr. Personality!

Hello my peeps!

I finally got Mom and Dad away from the magic light box.

Making Friends
Making More Friends

Do I have Competition?
Kate speaks my language
Today, Mommy and Daddy took me to an event at a giant house with the people who like to be called "Gina". Daddy says that the house is called "Cambridge Centre" and that it's a shopping mall. Whatever. I thought it was strange that I could see the sky through the roof, though. I couldn't stop myself from staring. There was ladies who sold nails in a nail store and Mommy asked the ladies if they would give me a pedicure. Ha-ha, Mommy, you are soo funny! That was a joke..........right?
Bear guards the beds!

 I got to get luvins from all kinds of people. There was so many people and so much luvin that I was able to share with my greyt friends. You know,  I'm very generous with my "peeps".

Chillin' in da Hood
I wouldn't necessarily call myself an expert on this but I thought it was it was a greyt success and fun was had my all. I've never seen Mommy and Daddy give out as much information about how greyt  I am as today. I think Daddy got more tired than me today. Mommy put him down for a nap when we got home. He was so tuckered out....poor little guy. I joined him later to make sure he was okay. Mommy insist that she sent me up to bed but it was my decision......REALLY! Pony loves Pappy!

The End

Friday, June 10, 2011

Woofstock 2011

Hey pups, unicorns, and children of all ages!! Grantasaurus here,

I thought that I'd give you a quick update while mommy is away from the magic light box. As you may all know Woofstock is this week-end and it's the perfect opportunity to bring your human pack and have some fun and to get you treats and presents. If you go, you will also be able to see yours truly...ME!! I plan on hitting up Mom and Dad for some new stuff...maybe a new collar or a bed.

Some of the strange and unique sites you'll see there!

There's so much to do and see that your olfactory senses will go on overload and your ears will ache for days. Don't worry, it's a good hurt. (note to self: bring smelling salts)

I hope to see y'all there! For those that can't make it, don't worry, I'll make sure your share of treats don't go to waste. Gotta go.....I hear Mommy coming!

Grant of Texas

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Invasion of the Puppy Snatchers

Mommy and Daddy have finally left the light-box's my chance. Hopefully, my words reach you, my brothers and sisters.

Let me start by barking, " I am outraged!"

My week started by mommy and daddy bringing in an interloper into my space. Not once did they consult me on this. Again... I am outraged! Mommy tells me that "Maddie" was asked to stay here by the people who liked to be called "Gina".  I don't have any problem with having visitors or even play-dates, but this kid comes in and thinks he can suddenly steal MY hearts and photo ops at every opportunity. He's even trying to compete for my title of "Sir Licks-a-lot" and "Mr. Sucky-poopy". What nerve!

When he got here, the new kid was gangly and graceless. I had to give him a couple of pointers so that he he'd know what was what. Poor kid needs more work. He gulps down his food like it's going out of style....,"Whoa! Slow down! You gotta milk them. If you eat everything, they aren't gonna add different foods to your bowl in order to get you to finish your dinner." Poor kid doesn't get it.

He's a pretty good kid. Low key. He'll need more work if he wants to shine in the spotlight like I do. I do have to say...I've been the best big brother to him, since  he's been here. I let him sleep on my living room bed while I allow myself to suffer on the couch with only one blanket. He can play with any of my toys as long as they're not the ones that squeak. He did try to sneak into my snugly bed once but I set him right on that. Good grief, he's taken everything else....what more does he want? Oh, the Hound-manity!

I'm sure he'll make his forever family very happy but 'til then ...this is my forever family and if he 's thinking of sticking around he better get on board and get in line..............behind me!

Thank you Ladies and Tramps for listening to my roo,

~Grant of Texas